Water Scarcity

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Water scarcity : Recommendations

8. Recommendations
This study offers the following recommendations to be implemented into different sectors, as follows:
8.1 Home:                               
·         Never leave the tap running while brushing teeth.
·         Take short showers and avoid long bath.
·         Water the gardens early in the morning or late at night to reduce evaporation losses.
·         Buy the washing machines that use the least amount of water.
·         Avoid car washing from gas station.
·         Use water-efficient dual-flush toilets. They  uses only six liters for a full flush and four liters for a reduced flush.

8.2 Universities:

·         Use complete water recycling method for laboratory uses and gardening.
·         An awareness  campaign should be carried out to educate students.
·         A club  should be organized to increase the awareness regarding the issue of water scarcity.
8.3 Government:

·         Newly constructed building should be accompanied with a water recycling system.
·         More underground water excavations should be carried out.
·         Encouraged innovative ideas and technologies to reduce water consumption can be utilized. For instance, waterless washing machines that uses nylon beads, which cuts water usage to 90%, should be provided to the public more easily.
·         Install water saving devices in household, commercial and government buildings etc.
Although the country does not receive much rainfall, R ain water harvesting systems is still a technology that can be implemented in the UAE in order to save every little drop that the UAE can obtain.

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