Water Scarcity

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Water scarcity : Recommendations

8. Recommendations
This study offers the following recommendations to be implemented into different sectors, as follows:
8.1 Home:                               
·         Never leave the tap running while brushing teeth.
·         Take short showers and avoid long bath.
·         Water the gardens early in the morning or late at night to reduce evaporation losses.
·         Buy the washing machines that use the least amount of water.
·         Avoid car washing from gas station.
·         Use water-efficient dual-flush toilets. They  uses only six liters for a full flush and four liters for a reduced flush.

8.2 Universities:

·         Use complete water recycling method for laboratory uses and gardening.
·         An awareness  campaign should be carried out to educate students.
·         A club  should be organized to increase the awareness regarding the issue of water scarcity.
8.3 Government:

·         Newly constructed building should be accompanied with a water recycling system.
·         More underground water excavations should be carried out.
·         Encouraged innovative ideas and technologies to reduce water consumption can be utilized. For instance, waterless washing machines that uses nylon beads, which cuts water usage to 90%, should be provided to the public more easily.
·         Install water saving devices in household, commercial and government buildings etc.
Although the country does not receive much rainfall, R ain water harvesting systems is still a technology that can be implemented in the UAE in order to save every little drop that the UAE can obtain.

Project's Method : Outline


Minutes of Meeting 13/04

Minutes of meeting 19/03

Project's Survey

                     Communication 151                                                                                      Petroleum Institute
This survey aims to investigate the public awareness about water scarcity here in the UAE. The survey includes multiple-choice questions as well as open-ended questions. Kindly answer the following questions below. Your answers are important to us.

From the following, tick the tool/system that you use/have in your home.
Fire Protecting Systems

Swimming Pool/Jacuzzi

Water Storage Tank (emergency)

Water filter systems

Greenhouse watering

Garden watering

Multiple Choice Questions
How many times you take showers per week?
What is your average shower length?

Do you have a garden at your home?
a-      Yes
b-      No
If yes, how often do you irrigate your home garden?
a-      Once a day
b-      Twice a day
c-       More than that: ……
d-      Less than that: ………
What is the water system that you use to irrigate your garden?
a-      Automatic (underground) sprinklers
b-      Sprinklers positioned by hand
c-      Watering with a hand-held hose
d-     Other water system………….
How often you wash your car?
a-      One time a day
b-      One time every two days
c-       More than that: ……………
d-      Less than that: ……………..

Where do you wash your car?
a-      Gas Station ( Automatic washing systems)
b-      Home (Regular washing methods)
How many members are living with you at the same department?
In your opinion, what is the level/rate of water consumption here in the country based on the economical and agricultural needs?  
a)      Higher than Normal
b)      Normal
c)       Lower than Normal
d)      Unsure

 Are you aware of the water scarcity problem that could happen in this country in the future?
a-      Yes
b-      No

Ranking Questions

Rank the following according to their negative effects related to water by (1) being the highest in consumption, and (6) being the least in consumption.
·         Agriculture
·         The new way of life ( irrigating gardens, swimming pools, etc. )
·         Population increase
·         Industrial usage             

Rank the following phenomena according to their commonness here in the country, (1) being the most common phenomena, and (4) being the least common phenomena.  
·         Global Warming
·         Water Scarcity
·         Carbon Footprint
·         Peak Oil
Rank the following according to their importance of usage relative to water by (1) being the highest in consumption, and (6) being the least in consumption.
·         Bathroom
·         Washing machine

·         Irrigation

·         Washing your car

·         Drinking

·         Food

Open- ended Questions

List two things that you think are causing water demand to increase dramatically in the UAE.
a-      ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

b-      ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Do you think the UAE should increase awareness about water scarcity in the country? If    yes, provide a brief example.
Do you believe that you can minimize your amount of daily water usage?, please explain your answer.
 What are your recommendations to solve the water scarcity issue in the UAE?            